May 2011 ISSUE

May 2011 |

Cryogenic Treatment and Cutting Tool Life

All users can say is it works. Why it works is less clear, but this overview paints a better picture.



A Close Look at Indexable Chucks

It's not for every application but when the right one comes along, these chucks can help work wonders.

Cryogenic Treatment and Cutting Tool Life

All users can say is it works. Why it works is less clear, but this overview paints a better picture.
Cutting Tools

Implementing Wiper Inserts to Maximize Productivity

This article looks at how wiper technology improves surface finish in turning operations.

Technical Member Profile: Horn USA Inc.

Horn USA Inc. is the United States representative of Hartmetall-Werkzeugfabrik Paul Horn GmbH, which was founded in Germany in 1969.

Three Commitments for Sustainable Success

We have all learned that the capability to make things is not what drives the market for our products.

Three Reasons Why Mechanical Properties of Cold-Drawn Steel Can Vary

Why do the mechanical properties on different shipments of the same size and grade of steel vary so much? 

Time to Raise Prices

Despite the reports from the Fed that inflation is in check, everyone realizes that the cost of materials is, and has been, increasing.

Ken McGill, senior manager, Harbour Results Inc.: Achieving 'Sticktuitiveness'

Muff Tanriverdi, President, Walter North America: It's All in Your Strategy