
A Time for Action: Members Answer the Call

Over the past 9 months, when called upon, PMPA members have responded in record numbers by using the association’s online Action Alert system.

Rob Kiener, Director of Marketing and Communications, PMPA


Over the past 9 months, when called upon, PMPA members have responded in record numbers by using the association’s online Action Alert system. This system is designed to allow users to voice their support and/or opposition to federal legislative and regulatory initiatives.

With the current administration’s aggressive agenda involving sweeping changes to labor law, health care, EPA/OSHA regulations and more, the need has never been greater for the manufacturing sector to be heard.

The PMPA Action Alert system allows both members and non-members to speak out using focused responses provided by the association. The system is available 24/7/365 at On this Web page, you’ll find updates on current issues and legislation; an elected official search engine with a zip code look-up feature; and a state-by-state election guide.

The association posts regular updates on the Action Alert system. For member companies, there is even more detailed information breaking down each major issue on the “Breaking News” page of the PMPA Web site.

PMPA’s Government Affairs Committee urges all companies to visit the Action Alert Web page and take advantage of this free service. The committee and the PMPA staff work closely with The Franklin Partnership, the association’s retained lobbyist. As PMPA’s “boots on the ground” in Washington, D.C., The Franklin Partnership keeps members well-informed on the latest developments and what steps the PMPA should take to make the largest impact on a given issue.

If you are not already a PMPA member, shouldn’t you be? There is no better way to represent your company’s interest, especially in this current economic environment. As they say in Washington, “If you’re not at the table, you’re certainly going to be on the menu.” By supporting the precision mach-ined products industry’s trade association, you will be represented at the table by those who have manufacturing’s best interests at heart.

To find out more about PMPA’s advocacy efforts and association membership, contact Rob Kiener, PMPA Director of Government Affairs & Communications: 440-526-0300 or

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