
LinkedIn: Are You Missing a Golden Opportunity to Network?

If you’re not on LinkedIn, you should be.


If you’re not on LinkedIn, you should be. And if you are, when was the last time you updated your page?

Did you set goals when you first went on—but as time has passed, let them slip a little? You and 120 million of your possible friends are on this site. How many are you connected with? Let’s review some basics and make sure we’re all on track.

Profile page. This is a great place to make a good impression. Have you updated your photo or are you using one from 10 years ago? How about your accomplishments? I’m sure if you haven’t touched your profile lately, something good must have happened at work that you could highlight. 
Have any other things changed? Have you started a Twitter account, a blog or new website? Be sure to include those links.
Key words. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is king. When was the last time you looked at the key words within your profile? The best place to do this is on the Summary section.
Adding to your network. It was easy when you just started to get a list of contacts linked in. But what about those grandiose plans of adding new contacts each week? 
I’m sure you haven’t stopped taking phone calls or going to meetings. Whatever happened to asking those contacts to link in with you? At least then, when you do a posting, you’ll be getting it in front of them.
I admit I’m as guilty as everyone else when it comes to adding new contacts. But I’m back on track now to add at least three contacts a week. What’s your goal?
Status updates. What good is having 500 connections if you never connect? You need to be active and say something. It doesn’t have to be something original. It could be something as simple as a comment and link to a morning news story that might have some impact on your industry. Try to do at least one status update each day.
Groups. This is the “holy grail” as far as I’m concerned. Search for and join relevant groups. LinkedIn allows you to join as many as 50. Talk about shooting fish in a barrel. Where else can you find a group of like-minded individuals with which to hold a conversation? A LinkedIn group is a great place to build relationships, while also building your visibility and credibility as an expert in the field.
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