
Getting Together

In the July issue of PM, I asked PartMaker president and longtime friend, Hanan Fishman, to give his take on the new relationship.


Hanan Fishman, president of PartMaker Inc., a division of Delcam Plc

There was quite a flutter in the industrial software world a little while back. The acquisition of Delcam and its brands, which include PartMaker by Autodesk, inserts the maker of AutoCAD deep into the CAM marketplace.

Most PM readers are familiar with PartMaker software and its well established presence in Swiss-type and multitasking precision machined parts manufacturing. Likewise, most readers also know something about Delcam’s suite of metalworking products.

In the July issue of PM, I asked PartMaker president and longtime friend, Hanan Fishman, to give his take on the new relationship. Delcam has been in the picture, as PartMaker has been a division of Delcam Plc for a while.

Autodesk is new to both companies. Click here to read Hanan’s thoughts on the acquisition and how he thinks it’s a good thing for our industry.

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