168 Manufacturing’s Coolant System Delivers to Multiple CNC Machine Tools
168 Manufacturing’s automatic coolant delivery system for CNC machine tools works without human intervention.
168 Manufacturing’s FullShop automated coolant delivery system is designed to deliver properly mixed coolant to multiple CNC machines without human intervention. The company says the system monitors coolant usage at each machine tool’s sump and automatically replenishes the coolant before it runs low. Well-suited for 24/7 machining environments, it is said FullShop is an easy-to-install turnkey system consisting of a centralized pumping station, controller, distribution manifolds and a small sensor that drops into any machine tool sump to report level and temperature.
According to the company, the system has a compact footprint of 50 × 60" and modular design. A single FullShop system can serve as many as 120 CNC machines and deliver up to 5,760 gallons of coolant per day. It also enables lights-out manufacturing, allowing machine shop owners to run high-volume jobs unattended overnight.
The system’s features include machine-specific concentrations with closed-loop flowmeter assurance; internet-enabled features such as email alarm notification, data reporting, remote operations and teleservice; advanced HMI for added operation insights; and rugged design intended for years of service.
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