
New Tech Center to Hold Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

Customers and attendees will have the opportunity to speak with Methods' application and engineering personnel during the open tour of the new facility.


Methods Machine Tools Inc. will hold a ribbon cutting ceremony for the opening of its new 7,000 square-foot Memphis Technology Center in Memphis, Tennessee. The ribbon cutting will take place on Nov. 14, at 2 p.m. followed by tours of the new facility and refreshments until 5 p.m.

To welcome Methods to Memphis, representatives from the Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Memphis Medical Device Council are expected to be in attendance. Key executives from Methods and some members of the company's board of directors will also participate in the event. Customers and attendees will have the opportunity to speak with Methods' application and engineering personnel during the open tour of the new facility.

Jon Dobosenski, general manager for Memphis operations at Methods Machine Tools, says, "We are very pleased to establish our new modern technology center in Memphis to provide vital, local support to our strong customer base throughout the area."

Manufacturing professionals and the community are welcome and encouraged to attend. For more information or to RSVP, send an email to