
Predictive Analytic Service Identifies Potential Failures

Appears in Print as: 'ZDT Service Identifies Potential Failures'

FANUC America’s Robot LINKi Zero Down Time (ZDT) is a predictive analytic service that identifies potential failures so customers can schedule maintenance and repairs, avoiding unexpected breakdowns during production. 


FANUC America’s Robot LINKi Zero Down Time (ZDT) service is now available to all automotive and non-automotive manufacturers who purchase FANUC robots. Launched in 2015, in collaboration with Cisco, ZDT is a predictive analytic service that identifies potential failures so customers can schedule maintenance and repairs, avoiding unexpected breakdowns during production. 

ZDT is available for FANUC R-30iB Plus robots as well as R-30iA and R-30iB robots with the latest software version. ZDT monitors the robot’s mechanical health, controller and process equipment controlled by the robot. A ZDT data collector located inside a customer’s plant securely transfers messages from FANUC robots to FANUC’s ZDT data center in the cloud.

FANUC’s analytic programs review the data in the cloud for potential issues. If there is an issue, ZDT automatically notifies FANUC’s service team and the customer with recommended actions to confirm and correct the issue.