
SS207-5AX Swiss-Type CNC Lathe Combines Welding and Cutting

Appears in Print as: 'Swiss-type CNC Lathe Combines Welding and Cutting'

Tsugami’s SS207-5AX Swiss-type CNC lathe with two fully integrated SPI lasers, one for laser cutting and one for welding, is the first LaserSwiss to incorporate laser welding.


Tsugami’s SS207-5AX, 20-mm, seven-axis Swiss-type CNC lathe with two fully integrated SPI lasers, one for laser cutting and one for welding, is the first LaserSwiss to incorporate laser welding, the company says. 

According to the company, the addition of a second laser head for welding provides flexibility for end users. A swaged tube end can be reflowed, two pieces can be welded together, then machined.

The laser cutting and laser welding heads can be mounted on either the X/-Y/1 axis or B axis, and customers can choose lasers ranging from 200 W to 400 W. All laser operations are programmed and driven from the machine’s FANUC 31i-B5 control and each laser’s frequency, pulse width, focus and power are adjustable, the company says. Additionally, users can adjust the assist gas pressure from 5 psi to 350 psi, allowing different pressures to be used for piercing, cutting, and welding.


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