
StateMonitor Software for TNCs Evaluates Processes Remotely

Appears in Print as: 'Software for TNCs Evaluates Processes Remotely'

Heidenhain Corp.’s StateMonitor is for CNC manufacturing personnel who are implementing connected systems, is an option with Heidenhain TNC controls and connects with PC systems to view data and evaluate control processes remotely and in real-time.


Heidenhain Corp.’s StateMonitor software is for CNC manufacturing personnel who are implementing connected systems as part of the Industry 4.0 initiative. This software is an option with Heidenhain TNC controls and connects with PC systems to allow the user to view data and evaluate control processes remotely and in real-time.

Designed to highlight data usage and timesaving workflow methods, as well as provide transparent processes, the user will know the current status of a machine. The user can configure this per project requirements, use it as needed, and evaluate it.

StateMonitor captures, visualizes and evaluates the status of connected machines and displays it on any networked terminals. It visualizes the statuses of the connected machines in clear-cut charts and graphs.