February 2015 ISSUE

February 2015 |

February--Dear to My Heart

In general we Americans believe in majority rule. That alone would “rule” out February as a month because it fails to meet the minimum 30-day qualification found in the other 11.


3D Printing and CNC Converge

Computer technology drives a lot of evolution, and computers have evolved incredibly.

February--Dear to My Heart

In general we Americans believe in majority rule. That alone would “rule” out February as a month because it fails to meet the minimum 30-day qualification found in the other 11.

Femtosecond Laser Processing in the Medical Device Industry

Recent advances in the laser technology have brought improved capabilities for precision machining—no thermal effects and minimal post processing.

Play it Safe

Safety procedures often are sidestepped because the employee thinks he or she can get away with it every once in a while. Yet fluky injuries do happen during brief lapses in good judgement.

Three Ideas to Thrive in 2015

Recalibrate your plan, invest in training your talent, and plan for leadtime issues.

Three Key Factors to Understand Machinability of Carbon and Alloy Steel

The machinability of steel bars is determined by three primary factors.

To Scan or Not to Scan

Industrial metrology professionals are constantly tasked with finding the best methodology to inspect parts.

Somma Tool Values Collaboration Among PMPA Members

There is such a high level of collaboration even though the members may be competitors; everyone is willing to give to others.

Fast and Precise Tool Identification

The use of industrial identification in tool handling not only saves time and costs during recording, transmission and management of the tool data, but also increases manufacturing quality and machine tool productivity.

Improve Productivity with Digital Tooling Data

This system seamlessly interfaces cloud-enabled digital tooling data and intelligence with production, inventory, and e-commerce to optimize shop productivity.