Workholding from Mate Precision Technologies

An Unexpected, But Cool, Triple-Brand Alliance

I never envisioned Gardner Business Media brands Production Machining, MoldMaking Technology and Plastics Technology would cover the same manufacturer in the same month no less. But it happened for our May 2024 issues.


MoldMaking Technology, Production Machining, Plastics Technology

Here are the May 2024 covers featuring Eden Manufacturing. Source: PM

It’s not uncommon for Gardner Business Media brands Production Machining and Modern Machine Shop to cover the same CNC machine shops given there’s a bit of overlap in terms of audience and editorial focus.

What I never envisioned was a recent project that involved GBM brands Production Machining, MoldMaking Technology and Plastics Technology — covering the same manufacturer in the same month of May no less. The connection between MMT in terms of mold tooling and PT in terms of injection molding seems fairly clear. But, how did precision, high-volume turning/PM fit in?

For Eden Manufacturing, it’s actually the perfect combination of capabilities to effectively serve the medical industry. Eden Manufacturing, which now has four Milacron Roboshot injection molding machines and one Swiss-type lathe from Star CNC, was created to complement Eden Tool’s moldmaking capabilities with machining equipment from Makino and others.

What the company is shooting for is this: Machine a medical part on its Swiss-type lathe, create the tooling to overmold plastic on just a portion of that part, then perform the overmolding process on one of its injection molding machines.

The timing was perfect as the May issues of MMT and PT are on display at NPE 2024: The Plastics Show in Orlando. And, for me, PM’s May issue has an emphasis on Swiss-type machining on our editorial calendar. I have to believe this is the first time three GBM media brands featured cover stories about the same manufacturer in the same month.

Ultimately, it was a win-win-win for all of us including our readers. 

Check out MMT’s article here. Check out PT’s article here.

And, don’t forget PM’s here.

Mate Workholding - Accuracy and Repeatability
World Machine Tool Survey
Horn USA
SPC Innovations, In-machine gaging and attachments
Star swiss-type automatic lathes
Mate Workholding - No Interruptions or Surprises