
What are you Thankful For?

I'm thankful for the opportunity to contribute to articles that are particularly rewarding because of their popularity with readers. "Bar Feeder Basics" from our October issue is a good example.



I love when a story comes together nicely, my sources are easy to work with, and I get positive feedback from readers about it. I’m thankful for rewarding opportunities such as these that make my job more enjoyable.

Such was the case with “Bar Feeder Basics,” a feature article that ran in our October issue. I worked closely with CNC Indexing & Feeding Technologies, in Mason, Ohio, to review some of the primary factors that are often overlooked when considering how to justify the implementation of a bar feeder for turning operations. The article has received a fair amount of attention.

Production Machining would like to wish all of our readers a happy Thanksgiving, and we hope that you are able to take time to step back and remember the things that are good in your lives and celebrate with family.

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