Tungaloy Adds Threading Inserts and Holders for Swiss Lathe Users
These 11 ER threading inserts and two square shank holders are specifically designed with users of Swiss-type automatic lathes in mind.
Tungaloy expands its TungThread line of indexable threading tools to include 11 ER external threading inserts as well as 8×8-mm and 10×10-mm square shank holders to accommodate the new inserts.
These 11 ER threading inserts and two square shank holders are specifically designed with users of Swiss-type automatic lathes in mind. The 11 ER insert is smaller than conventional 16 ER inserts, and the insert holders are designed to ensure a minimum interference when machined toward the subspindle, which is an issue with a 16 ER insert holder.
This expansion will enhance the TungThread series to meet the needs of various threading applications on Swiss-type automatic lathes and other small-parts manufacturing equipment.
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