I Can’t Imagine Being in this Industry and Not ...
During the recently concluded Precision Machining Technology Show and Technology Conference, we got a chance to speak with current members about the benefits they get from their PMPA membership.
During the recently concluded Precision Machining Technology Show and Technology Conference, we got a chance to speak with current members about the benefits they get
from their PMPA membership. Time and time again, they told us about the five key areas where PMPA membership really benefits the small business owner: regulatory, problem solving, technology, peer comparison and ROI.
Hopefully, you had a chance to stop by the booth and speak with us about membership. If not, I thought this month I’d let our members share how these five factors have benefited them and their businesses.
1. Regulatory
One of the best parts of PMPA membership is knowing that you’ll always have an advocate. Locally to nationally, before regulations are passed, and in helping you know
what the rules mean and mean to your business, we will be there to help.
“PMPA’s willingness to get involved has allowed Alger to remain competitive despite the current hostile regulatory environment.” – Jim Hemingway, president,
Alger Precision Machining, LLC
“The lobbyists that represent PMPA are a very professional and experienced group of advocates that speak on our behalf. They have been effective in making positive changes
for PMPA members and the manufacturing industry.” – Steve Doody, president, CSI Group
2. Problem Solving
From our professional staff to peer email forums, it’s very likely that someone has the answer to your manufacturing, quality, regulatory or human resource question.
“One of our secrets for sustaining our business is having a process for solving the problems—whatever they are—that come up every day. We have trained our machinists on problem-solving and help them stay current by attending PMPA’s National Technical Conference. But at the end of the day, when a weird, strange or unusual problem arises, we know that PMPA can help us solve it. Experienced PMPA staffers and peer experts from over 400 other companies like ours all share their experience and insights to help us get back to business. All we have to do is ask.” – Mike Bartizal, director of operations, Permac Industries
“Employees can improve their skilllevels by attending meetings and conferences to learn about trends in the industry, new technologies and new equipment that is available, as well as how other companies might be handling new equipment and regulations.”
– Todd Kriegel, president, Global Precision Parts
“They try to help you solve the issues you’re dealing with, whether it’s trying to find machinery or HR questions, or all the changes in policies ... Being a part of PMPA is like having your own board to bounce ideas off of in order to accomplish the goals of your company.” – Kevin Schlueter, president, Kalaska Screw Products
3. Technology
Where can you turn for news and updates on the latest developments in precision machining? PMPA. With National Tech Conferences, CEU programs, as well as online
and local chapter programs, we can keep you, your employees and new hires on the (machine) cutting edge.
“We gain so much from the conferences and other members. There are many fine speakers who provide solid information. They are the best of the best, and I want to
be there to learn from them and follow in their tracks.”
– Victor DaCruz, president, DaCruz Manufacturing.
“I think that with training and education in place, we can strengthen manufacturing. PMPA furthers the cause of growing and strengthening manufacturing. It is a critical organization to the success of this industry.” – Jeffery Reinert, president, Index Corporation
“My first experience with PMPA was at a Tech Conference … Our membership helps us reach out into the market. We’re here to help educate the association and give members the knowledge to make investments in equipment.” – Rodger Boswell, vice president of sales, Hydromat (Technical Member)
4. Peer Comparison
Make your business more competitive and profitable with our unmatched peer comparison tools. Business trend reports, wage surveys, economic and market forecasts
and more make your membership the most valuable tool for your company’s bottom line.
“We have participated in PMPA’s Surveys for Sales and Wages for many years. They help drive our strategic planning and compensation, as well as help us keep our banks
and accountants apprised of our position in the industry. We continue to provide our data, because of the value the data brings back to us.” – Pierre Paroz, CEO, American
Micro Products Inc.
“PMPA surveys its members periodically, which provides us with extremely helpful, and sometimes surprising, benchmarking information. It’s especially interesting to see the
results related to labor to see the differences in different parts of the country.” – Steve Doody, president, CSI Group
“We learn a lot of valuable things that help our business through participating in PMPA … The top benefit of being a member is the knowledge of other shop owners and
their willingness to share it and help each other out. It’s a really open association.” – John Habe IV, president, Metal Seal Precision Ltd.
5. ROI
Our professional assistance will help your bottom line, and your membership will more than pay for itself. The four previous reasons alone will lead to savings greater than your cost, and our affi nity programs alone will pay for themselves. Invest in yourself, your people and your business today by joining PMPA.
“The only way Kerr Lakeside would (cease) to be a member of PMPA is if we went out of business. Being a PMPA member makes going out of business unlikely to happen.”
– Charlie Kerr, president, Kerr Lakeside
“I can’t even imagine being in this industry and not being a member of PMPA. What we’ve learned through the organization is paying off big in our business growth.”
– Charles Ruecker, president and CEO, Core Powered Inc. (Technical Member)
And I’ll leave the last word on ROI to our current president: “We also kept the membership through thick and thin. PMPA is great for networking and gaining valuable
resources … I learned a lot about running the business. But I was also able to meet many members … and I took away a lot of great advice.” – Tom Bernstein, president,
TORIN Products
There you have it—the case for membership from the members themselves. If you are a member, thank you. Your participation and willingness to share are what makes this
organization, and this industry, truly great. If you’re not, find a local chapter or contact us so we can prove to you why you should join today. Visit pmpa.org or call 440-526-0300.
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