
PMPA’s 2018 Annual Meeting: Strategies for Success

In lieu of the usual Member Profile, PMPA would like to take the opportunity this month to talk about an important event that is sure to be relevant to all of its members, the PMPA Annual Meeting.


Precision machined products industry professionals are invited to participate in PMPA’s Annual Meeting this fall at the Ritz-Carlton Grande Lakes in Orlando, Florida. This is the place for senior management and company owners to connect and learn from one another by actively participating in this conference.

The theme of this conference is “Strategies for Success.” PMPA’s Executive Committee designed each session to inspire a renewal of personal, workforce and strategic company aspirations and goals. This is the place to hear new ideas to supplement the vision you have for your company. These business sessions, along with the multiple networking opportunities, will provide the take-home value expected from this national meeting. There will be a diverse group of speakers and topics offered at this conference, including:

  • Strategies for Recruitment/Training – Brian Albrecht, president of Gateway Technical College, will share Gateway’s success model as well as introduce you to the National Coalition of Certification Centers (NC3) partnerships to grow your local and regional workforce pipeline.
  • Strategic Planning Seminar – In this highly interactive session, attendees will examine how organizational leaders use a process for planning strategically to successfully shape the direction of their company and its future. Special attention will be paid to practical tools used to address challenging decisions about what actions and investments warrant a commitment.
  • Social Media Strategies for Manufacturing – Caitlin Andrews of Bracewell LLP will help you determine whether your website, electronic communication materials and social media accounts are telling the story your key audiences need to hear. Learn about small changes that can make a big difference.
  • Cybersecurity Strategies for Survival – Rob Simopoulos, co-founder of Defendify, will explain the risks organizations face today and discuss recent incidents and breaches. Using simple language and common terms, Rob will explore key steps to creating a CyberSmart and CyberStrong organization.
  • Tax Reform Strategies for Manufacturers – Nick Romanelli and Erik Skie of CliftonLarsonAllen will provide a breakdown and analysis of tax reform and the opportunities it presents for both businesses and their owners. Be prepared with questions and learn how you and your business can benefit from proactive planning under tax reform.
  • Trump, Congress and the 2018 Elections: An Update from Washington – PMPA’s Washington D.C. lobbyists with The Franklin Partnership will provide an update on tariffs, major regulatory changes, expanding apprenticeships and what might happen to the new lower tax rates if Democrats take control of the House, Senate or both this November.
  • The Hero Effect: Leading and Engaging Your Workforce – This session will help you create an environment where people are inspired to be the best version of themselves and deliver world class performance to the people they serve.
  • The Future has a Mind of Its Own – Louis Patler, president of The B.I.T. Group, will identify emerging trends that will directly impact PMPA companies and will offer an analysis of data that will assist in gaining a competitive advantage in an exciting and changing marketplace.

Visit the PMPA Annual Meeting website at pmpa.org for more details about the program and for conference registration. If you have any questions about this meeting, please contact Renee Merker, PMPA communications and event planner, at 440-526-0300 or e-mail at rmerker@pmpa.org.

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