
Cobot's Seventh Axis Enhances Maneuverability

The KR810 from Kassow Robots is a lightweight industrial cobot designed for speed and strength with fewer safety restrictions.


Kassow KR810
Photo Credit: Kassow

Kassow Robots has launched the KR810, a lightweight industrial cobot designed for speed, strength and maneuverability. The company says the cobot requires fewer safety restrictions, making it suitable for working alongside humans in industrial applications such as machine tending, assembly and limited-space retrofits. According to Kassow, it designed the robot to improve payload, cycle times, reach and flexibility.

The KR810 features a payload of 10 kg and a reach of 850 mm. It features a seventh axis, or “wrist” joint, that promotes maneuverability. Work cell designers can place the cobot to the side of an opening, leaving space for users to access CNC systems, lathes, injection molds and related machinery. Users of all technical expertise levels can program the KR810, Kassow says. The robot is programmed by moving it into position and recording the key points. The Kassow software does the rest.

According to the company, this solution is well suited to small- and medium-sized companies looking to implement or expand cobot solutions.


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