
Relationship with Local Vendor Helps Shop Meet Demand

Cosmopolitan Engineering has found its working relationship with local supplier Ward CNC has provided access to unique processes that only dealers can provide, especially when contracted work can’t be discussed openly.


Working with local suppliers can be very beneficial to shops. It can provide access to unique processes that only dealers can provide and for new jobs a supplier knows the machines better than the customer. This is especially true when contracted work can’t be discussed openly. In such an instance when a shop isn’t familiar with machines and processes but needs to keep details secret to the public, they are dependent on a supplier’s inventory and knowledge.

Cosmopolitan Engineering (CE) is a Sheffield, England-based company involved in securing and processing contracts with workpieces to be used in projects that include precision one-offs for marksman’s guns, steam traction engine parts and nuclear project work the company isn’t allowed to discuss. For that reason, CE has relied on T W Ward CNC Machinery Ltd. (Ward CNC) for many years to supply machines that help the shop meet customer demand across the U.K. in all industries. These CNC machines consist of a L400LMC lathe, a SKT-300 turning center, a L300C two-axis lathe, and a Hartford Omnis 1020 VMC.

For shops like CE that have to keep contracts close to the chest, local suppliers like Ward CNC are a key role in consistency. We published an article that discusses how this kind of working relationship can be a pathway to success. Click here to read, “Shop/Supplier Relationship is Critical to Success.”

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