
Good News for Manufacturing

Energy, robotics, materials and applied information technology are growing sectors that will affect U.S. manufacturing, creating a “revolution” of sorts.



Although not everything in America is headed in the right direction, the U.S. is showing positive growth, particularly in manufacturing. Industrial production has grown at the same rate or even faster than the economy as a whole over the past 50 years, according to an article on The Atlantic’s website, titled “America’s Coming Manufacturing Revolution.” 

In fact, the article states that manufacturing is currently on the verge of a dramatic change—for the better.

Energy, robotics, materials and applied information technology are growing sectors that will affect U.S. manufacturing, creating a “revolution” of sorts. The growth of automation and the country’s strength in computing and electronics appears to be the segment that will have the largest impact on the metalworking industry. As robotic capabilities continue to expand, the cost to produce them is shrinking, according to the article.

Read more here.

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