
PowRgrip Automatic Tool Setter Offers Enhanced Gripping Force

Rego-Fix’s PGU 9800 is an enhanced version of its PGU 9500 powRgrip automatic tool setter and is said to use the mechanical properties of the holder material to generate tremendous gripping force.


Rego-Fix’s PGU 9800. Photo Credit: Rego-Fix

Rego-Fix’s PGU 9800. Photo Credit: Rego-Fix

Rego-Fix’s PGU 9800 is an enhanced version of its PGU 9500 powRgrip automatic tool setter, with integrated touchscreen controls, a quieter motor and a status display. The touch-and-swipe LCD displays the size of the current PG insert along with technology cycle counts by tool size, analytics, diagnostic codes and the machine build date.

Like the PGU 9500, the PGU 9800 clamps a tool in less than 10 sec. with up to 9 tons of clamping pressure. For convenience, the unit runs on standard 110-V AC power; handles tapers such as CAT, HSK, BT, CAPTO, BIG +, TC and ISO; and clamps carbide or HSS in H6 tolerance, including Weldon flat and long shank tooling. 

Unlike other clamping systems that rely on heat or hydraulics, the PGU 9800 uses the mechanical properties of the holder material is said to generate tremendous gripping force, with TIR of less than 0.0001 (≤3 µm) and length adjustment repeatability of less than 0.0004" (10 µm). Tools are ready to use immediately with no wait time, loss of accuracy or shortened tool life.

The touchscreen control panel also displays full information about a customer’s PGU 9800 unit. The display enumerates cycle statistics and provides an easy-to-use digital indicator of error conditions, the company says.

The unit is available with customized wraps that feature a customer’s logo and corporate colors.

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