Parts Cleaning

VIDEO: Vapor Degreasing Process Uses TCE Replacement to Eliminate Hazardous Waste

A solid relationship with a solvent manufacturer has aided Electro-Spec Inc. with the implementation of a trichloroethylene replacement material in its vacuum degreasing unit to clean a customer’s micromachined parts more efficiently.  

VIDEO: Creating an Unsmashable Guitar

Several of Sandvik’s divisions teamed up with a guitar designer to produce an unsmashable metal guitar for renowned musician Yngwie Malmsteen.

VIDEO: Scholarship Program Introduces Vets to Manufacturing Careers is investing back into the manufacturing industry by helping veterans with three $1000 scholarships in 2019. Learn how to submit an application!

VIDEO: Automotive Industry Update and Outlook

Gardner Intelligence's Chief Economist Michael Guckes discusses the impact that recent events such as the tariffs and rising interest rate are having on the automotive industry in this video.

VIDEO: Insights into Health of the Medical Industry

Using Gardner's three-lens approach, Chief Economist Michael Guckes has been able to provide insights into the health of the medical industry for manufacturers serving it.

VIDEO: Manufacturing’s Growth Rate High, but Slowing

The Gardner Business Index data for June 2018 is now available. Watch Michael Guckes, chief economist, Gardner Intelligence, give his summary of the information he’s learned.

VIDEO: Adam Savage Demonstrates Bridgeport Milling Machine

In this video, Adam Savage of “Mythbusters” and the YouTube channel “Tested” shows off a new addition to his workshop, a 1968 Bridgeport mill. 

VIDEO: Blum-Novotest Offers Array of Measurement Probes 

A visit to Blum-Novotest Inc. in Erlanger, Kentucky, offered a chance to learn about an array of laser probes, touch probes and split system probes, including a probe with a laser for milling tools and a touch probe for static turning tools.

VIDEO: The Misconception of Declining Manufacturing Jobs

In this video, Gardner Business Intelligence Chief Economist Michael Guckes discusses the decline of manufacturing jobs and argues that although operators have decreased, programmers and engineers have increased.


Automated Inspection on the Shop Floor

Most machine shops understand the value of automation when it is applied to such operations as turning, milling and grinding.